Character DLC Revealed For Injustice 2

NetherRealm has just unveiled a new character for the popular fighting game, Injustice 2.

The new character is a lesser known villain from the DC Universe simply known as DLC. DLC is known for his uncanny ability to be readily available, but not join the fight until he sees fit, rob you of your hard earned money, and create confines to the existing game.

DLC will be available as DLC in just a few weeks.

NetherRealm Gives Into Pleading Fans

Since the game’s release, fans of Injustice 2 have been pleading with developers to milk content and give them more reasons to spend their hard earned money.

“Hey NetherRealm, I need more reason to spend more then my initial $60 on this freakin game,” said Kyle local Injustice 2 and spouter of money.

Well Kyle, ask and you shall receive. NeatherRealm has just released a trailer showcasing Hellboy, Raiden, and Black Manta, all of which will be available soon as DLC.