Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition: 3 Things You Need To Know

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition launches today and will be available as a free update to those who purchased Street Fighter V. However, if you’re still on the fence about the latest iteration, here are three things you need to know.

1. The Hadoken Will Still Be Spammed.

Despite the plethora of changes coming to Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition, the Hadoken usage rate will remain the same. That is, when playing against an opponent who is playing as Ryu, and you have the upper hand, they will begin to compulsively use the Hadoken.


2. You Will Prefer To Play Offline.

With no majors changes coming to button layout, nor to the community itself, it’s a sure bet that once you enter online competitive you will experience your fair share of losses. So much so that you will began to enjoy the simplicity of offline mode.


3. Combos, Combos, Combos

Invented in the mid 1970’s, Combos are a widely overlooked and underappreciated snack. We suggest you grab a few packs before you start delving into Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition.