PSA: Poké Mart Is All Out Of Antidote

Viridian City (BFN) – For the first time ever, the Virdian City Poké Mart is all out of Antidote.

However, the shortage does not seem to be exclusive to Virdian City. Reports are coming in from various cities across Kanto that their respective Poké Marts are all running out of Antidotes.

The shortage seems to be a direct response to the current pandemic. Pokemon trainers are stock piling Antidote in case they or their Pokemon become ill from the virus.

Towns are reassuring people not to panic and to only purchase what they need.


New Reports Indicate Coronavirus Actually Originated in Mt. Moon

New reports coming from Professor Oak’s Pokémon Talk state that the current coronavirus plaguing the world might have actually originated in Mt. Moon.

It would seem reasonable for COVID-19 to stem from Mt. Moon has the mysterious cave has always been home to Zubat.

Professor Oak recommends trainers stay far away from Mt. Moon and take a break from trying to catch em all.