Breaking News: Kayne West Is Comstock

Columbia (BFN) – We have uncovered the truth behind Kanye Wests recent controversial behavior. It turns out that Mr. West and Zachary Comstock are in fact, one in the same.

The news was broken to us from various Taylor Swift’s across multiple realities. She informed us that over the course of Mr. Wests life there was a crucial moment in which his life split into two, very different paths. One path leads to what we are witnessing now, the Comstock version, while the other would have let Kanye West live a peaceful life, one where he would continue to make gospel music. One of the Taylor Swift’s even mentioned that she would one day go on to make a collaboration album with this Kanye.

Taylor Swift parted with tears in her eyes saying she would have to go back to the baptism to set things right.