M.Bison Announces Bid for 2020 Presidential Election

Feeling right at home amongst the current candidates, M. Bison has just announced his bid for the 2020 United States Presidential Election.

According to the official Stree Fighter Wiki, M. Bison’s qualifications include the fact that he is “motivated by his own self-serving interests and lust for absolute power. He is a megalomaniacal and psychopathic dictator and terrorist who seeks to rule the world with an iron fist whilst also being universally regarded as the greatest and most powerful martial artist of all time”.

Furthermore, M. Bison possess “a vast ego and a god complex, however, Bison is physically incapable of feeling empathy for others and even takes pleasure in watching people suffer at his hands, never feeling a shred of regret or remorse for the numerous atrocities that he has committed”.

Wow, sounds familiar.