Video Game Characters Better Than Chole Dykstra’s Unnamed Absuer

Chole Dykstra, online personality and cosplayer, has revealed that a former boyfriend had been mentally, emotionally, and sexually abusive to her throughout a three year relationship.

Given Dykstra’s public persona, many have named fellow Internet/TV personality, Chris Hardwick, as the alleged abuser. However, BFN has not independently confirmed these allegations.

Regardless, we have compiled a definitive list of individuals who are far better than, Hardwick Ms. Dykstra’s alleged abuser (we got you, Chloe).

M. Bison (Street Fighter):

He takes on people in fights fairly and has his own money.

Dr. “Eggman” Robotnik (Sonic):

He built robots for animals to look out for them.

Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid):

He may be psychotic but is honest about it and secluded himself to Shadow Moses.

Albert Wesker (Resident Evil):

He actually runs a successful business with talented workers. Leaves personal matters out of the work place.

Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal):

He may be a crazy clown but at least he can make people laugh.

Nathan Drake (Uncharted):

He never married for money and was always honest with his female companions.

Top Stories: 5/27 – 6/3

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Lara Croft Takes Nathan Drake To Court Over Similarities

The Lost Ark (BFN) – We have just received word that Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft will be pressing charges against fellow treasure hunter, Nathan Drake.

A statement released by Lara Croft’s lawyers sited similarities between the two as cause for the lawsuit.


This news comes in the wake of PUBG Corp. revealing their plans to take Epic Games to court over similarities shared between their games, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite.

It appears that PUBG Corp.’s actions have caused a ripple effect of sorts within the gaming community as many other video game characters are looking to pursue similar avenues. Last we heard, Jak and Daxter were looking into a possible injunction against Ratchet & Clank.

Special Report: Game Developers Conference Has Secret Orgies…And We Went To One!

San Francisco – (BFN) We are back from our first ever Game Developers Conference and man what a whirl! We got our hands on plenty of demos and saw a bunch of awesome trailers. However, none of that is what we are here to talk about. As the premier journalists in the entire gaming industry, we felt the desire, nay, the obligation to divulge an industry secret that has been kept under wraps for countless years. Now understand, by airing out these secrets, we are not only putting our careers on the line but our very lives. So what’s the big secret? Well, it’s that the Game Developer’s Conference is one giant orgy.

Every year, game developers from around the world flood a vibrant city in order to share the latest achievements in game development. However, turns out that if you group together a bunch of people with similar interests in a place that is entirely new to them, well then trailers aren’t the only things that are going to be popping off.

“There will be a lot of condoms just lying around,” mentioned a software developer, who wished to remain anonymous. We experienced this first hand as we were handed countless condoms and other sexual paraphernalia for simply trying out games and visiting booths.


At GDC, sex and trailers are the names of the game.

This type of behavior is not unheard of. In fact, it is very similar to what goes on during the Olympics in the Olympic Village. However, where the two seem to differ is how hush-hush things are kept at GDC. The Game Developers Conference has been around for a long time, yet there has yet to be a single mention of the extravagant orgies one might find themselves when attending GDC. I suppose the secrecy comes down to two things. For starters, you wouldn’t expect a bunch of overweight and socially awkward nerds to be hosting orgies that rival an episode of Devilman Crybaby. But more so, in order to find yourself in the middle of one of these parties you had to uncover a host of secret passwords and interact with some peculiar characters.

It all started when we received an invitation from a masked cosplayer. Assuming it was just like any other handout one would get at a convention, we turned around to hand the invitation back to the cosplayer, but to our astonishment, he had vanished. As we mentioned, the invitation itself it looked pretty standard. Anyone who has ever been to a convention has most likely received a similar looking card. It had sloppy writing, a cliche tagline, and some token hot girl in cosplay.

However, a close friend of ours,  a friend who we will simply refer to as Chad, had been to GDC many times before and knew instantly that what we were holding in our hands was far more than just your run of the mill invitation.

The invitation, which Chad referred to as “DLC” was riddled with hidden language that could only be solved by an expert in all things video games and orgies. Like Nathan Drake, Chad started to decipher the invitation and like Sully we watched.

After a few moments and a little help from the hint icon, Chad was able to decipher the invitation. It pointed us directly to a nightclub located in the heart of San Francisco.


According to Chad, the front of the nightclub was most likely a ruse and so with Chad’s instruction, we headed towards the back of the nightclub. Once in the back, we stumbled upon some cellar doors. With no one in sight, we pried the doors open and headed down.  At the bottom we were greeted by yet another door, this time a steel bolted one. As we approached we heard, “The password…”

Chad responded, “Fear the old blood.”

There was some mumbling, then the man suddenly broke out into a menacing laughter. The door began to open. As the door continued to open, the laughing ceased.

We walked in and all that was behind the door was a corpse. It was sporting the same cosplay as the man who handed who the invitation. I heard loud music emanating not too far from us and so we moved towards it. As we approached, the music grew louder and louder. It was a loop of the Gregorian chant from Halo. Petrified, I stood in place. I had seen enough and wanted to get on the first flight back home. Chad stated that we had come too far and insisted that we push forward. After a little more convincing, I agreed. Plus Chad was my ride back to the hotel.

Game Developers Choice Awards via Flickr Official GDC Header.jpg

We followed the sound of the music and stumbled into a room that looked similar to the Altar of Despair. As we entered the room, I thought my eyes were deceiving me. There were dozens of people, all of them naked and all of them having intercourse. Some pleasing each other, others pleasing themselves, and a few even pleasing anime body pillows. The Gregorian chant continued to ring out.

The most disturbing fact was the number of notable people there. Familiar faces from all across the gaming industry. Of course, we are going to refrain from mentioning any names because, you know, Eyes Wide Shut, and all.

What did we do once we arrived at the orgy? Well, let’s just we’re really looking forward to next years GDC.







Monday Mount Rushmore: Drinks

It’s that time of the week again!

With Saint Patricks day (St. Paddys day?) around the corner and stereotyping being allowed for this holiday it seemed appropriate to do this topic. So this week will focus on drinks everyone would enjoy in the video game realm.

Without further ado:

Skooma (Elder’s Scrolls series): Let’s start off with a fine spirit one can find in Tamriel. This is the type of drink that can make the strongest Nord have an early night. It is often hard to obtain but with the right Khajiit connections and Moon Sugar one can enjoy this drink.

Red Potion (Legend of Zelda series): This next drink will fill you up right and at half the price. It is double a normal blue potion but helps just as much. If you ever hear beeps after a long battle, it is wise to drink this potion up and save the rest for later. Word of advice however; always take the heart over this.

Juggernog (Call of Duty Zombies series): This nog is good for the body and the mind. It is used to keep one going and increase endurance during a physical trying activity. It is quite cheap and can be bought from a vending machine. This is the perfect gift for that significant other to keep them going.

Nathan Drake (Uncharted series): What a tall drink of water this guy is.



Mount Rushmore of Villains

We here at BFN take pride in our trend setting and trail blazing. For this one however; we will take a common big city slicker jouranlist trick and give you a good ole’ fashion Mount Rushmore. Today we will tackle the Rushmore of video game villains.

Without further ado here are the four worst villains in video game history:

Mario Mario:

I know this one comes as shocker. “He’s a hero right?” “He’s saving Peach though”. One, he is not a hero and two you’re an idiot for saying that. We already went over in small detail about his relationship with Pauline (or Paula) and saving her from Donkey Kong (can read about the follow up to that here.

Now he focuses on Peach? Did he forget about Pauline? Is he trying to double dip? Seems a little unethical. Infidelity aside he also on multiple occasions have murdered goombas, koopa troopas and other various animals of the Mushroom Kingdom. Surely this type of animal abuse in todays society should not be looked up to or be considered heroic. Finally Mario Mario has at various points destroyed many castles in the kingdom by blowing them up. I don’t know much but that to me sounds a lot like domestic terrorism.

Any Trainer in Pokémon:

This one is much simpler; these trainers forcefully caputre and enslave Pokémon for the use of fighting. Much like that plumber from before we have established that animal abuse is evil and it is worse here. They use these Pokémon to fight battles for glory, fame and money. They set up an essential dog fighting economy and we here at BFN frown upon that.

Nathan Drake:

Up next is Sony pretty boy Nathan Drake. He’s cool, charming and also kinda an A*shole. Let’s take a look at his “heroics”: Plans on stealing priceless artifacts, has been involved in dangerous shootouts that put innocent civilians in danger, destroyed hidden temples and history and like our main man Mario seemed to be a womanizer (although he has since cleaned that up). I’m sure hes kicked a dog sometime (that is alleged).

Dr. Robotnik:

Finally is the mastermind who seeks the Chaos Emeralds. He puts cute innocent animals in robots to do his bidding. That’s just wrong.

Feel free to comment below with your own Mount Rushmore.

Nathan Drake ‘Cautious’ About Upcoming Uncharted Movie

“I’m thrilled by the fact that they want to do a movie about me, but I’m cautious, that’s all I’m saying,” tweeted Nathan Drake.

For those of you who have been in Shambhala for the past several years, Drake is referring to the movie adaptation that has been on again, off again for the past several years.

Uncharted scene.jpg

“I’m also confused or rather interested by the direction they have chosen to go with this adaptation,” Drake added.

The treasure hunter is most likely referring to the decision to showcase a much younger version of Drake, a version that will now be portrayed by Spider-Man actor, Tom Holland.

“But kudos to Tom, he’s a great actor and I’m excited to see what he will make of me.”

Our sentiments exactly, Nathan.