Antonio Brown To Replace Sweet Tooth As Twisted Metal Mascot

After being released by the Oakland Raiders it didn’t take long for Antonio Brown to land back on his feet. PlayStation just announced, that Mr. Brown will be the new mascot of  their beloved Twisted Metal franchise.

Many see this as a good fit as Twisted Metal was formerly represented by Sweet Tooth, another clown.

Rumor suggests Antonio Brown as already received a mysterious letter from an identity simply known as, Calypso.

Sweet Tooth Asked To Leave Ice Cream Parlor

Sunsprings, CA (BFN) – We have received word that Twisted Metal protagonist, Sweet Tooth was asked to leave a local ice cream parlor.

On Tuesday night, the owner of Two Scoops and One Cup, a popular destination for ice cream located in the heart of Sunsprings was taken back when he saw Sweet Tooth approach his place of business.

“I saw Mr. Tooth pull up in his stolen ice cream truck and I knew I had to make an important decision. As a business owner, I don’t want to deny service to anyone, it goes against everything I believe in. However, Mr. Tooth has made his stance on ice cream and ice cream parlors extremely clear,” said Ben Frosty, owner of Two Scoops and One Cup.


Fortunately, the situation did not escalate, which considering Sweet Tooth, is quite a blessing.

“I stopped Sweet Tooth just outside the door,” Mr. Frosty said to us as he pointed to the store’s entrance. “I was prepared for the worst, but I knew I had to stand up for my fellow ice cream lovers. I informed him [Sweet Tooth] that we were unwilling to serve him and asked politely if he would leave. He complied. ”

Brave actions from Mr. Frosty, however one wonders what sort of precedent he as set by denying service to someone based on their past actions.

Video Game Characters Better Than Chole Dykstra’s Unnamed Absuer

Chole Dykstra, online personality and cosplayer, has revealed that a former boyfriend had been mentally, emotionally, and sexually abusive to her throughout a three year relationship.

Given Dykstra’s public persona, many have named fellow Internet/TV personality, Chris Hardwick, as the alleged abuser. However, BFN has not independently confirmed these allegations.

Regardless, we have compiled a definitive list of individuals who are far better than, Hardwick Ms. Dykstra’s alleged abuser (we got you, Chloe).

M. Bison (Street Fighter):

He takes on people in fights fairly and has his own money.

Dr. “Eggman” Robotnik (Sonic):

He built robots for animals to look out for them.

Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid):

He may be psychotic but is honest about it and secluded himself to Shadow Moses.

Albert Wesker (Resident Evil):

He actually runs a successful business with talented workers. Leaves personal matters out of the work place.

Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal):

He may be a crazy clown but at least he can make people laugh.

Nathan Drake (Uncharted):

He never married for money and was always honest with his female companions.